Water For Fuel - Must Know Facts

In the continuous hunt for an alternative fuel source worldwide, there has been some advancement, but some possibilities are more promising than others. Through the massive experimentation, the studies of viability, and other political and scientific wrangling that has taken place in the last few decades, one possibility has stood out above all other options as a possible fuel that we can use for years to come and is almost universally available on Earth: the use of water for fuel in our vehicles.

The idea of using water as a means of fueling a transportation vehicle is not one that has been ignored for all of these years, but rather one that has remained somewhat improbable until recent discoveries were made in the scientific realm. A scientist, working on a method of developing a chamber by which a patient could be exposed to radio waves as a way to destroy cancerous cells in the body, inadvertently made a discovery with the salt water he had been using in his experiment. It seemed that exposing the salt water to a certain frequency and power of radio wave could cause the water to combust and give off heat energy. Many were convinced that this was a hoax, but the experiment was replicated by innumerable people after the initial discovery was made.

The implication this discovery has for transportation is a great one. For one, a larger scale model of the radio wave chamber could theoretically be produced to be placed in a vehicle. Many individuals have been developing crude prototypes of such technologies for use on the own vehicles with varying degrees of success. The biggest obstacle that stands in the way of using water as a viable fuel is the amount of generated energy that would be needed to power a typical car. This amount of energy needed may necessitate the production of lighter vehicles which may be more ideally suited for the water technology.

The other concern would be the type of radio waves that would be needed to produce the combustion effect in the water engine. The waves that have been used on the experimental level have been shown to be harmless to the average person, which could mean that, even if the waves had to be used in a higher frequency to generate a larger combustion effect, the use of the technology in everyday vehicles would have little effect on the health of the average consumer.