Why Are Men Afraid Of Intimacy

If you're wondering how is intimacy created?. Here are some ideas.
The first thing you might do is leave your partner a sexy or romantic note (not a raunchy one). You might leave it one of several places that include the kitchen, office, living room, car, bedroom, bathroom, garage or even outdoors.

If you know what he or she is going to be putting together for dinner, and especially if you're going to making the dinner together, you could put the note inside the cook book on the recipe page he or she will open too. You could leave it taped to one of the ingredients, too, or on the door of the refrigerator.

If your partner has a favorite coffee mug, you could create intimacy by leaving the love note taped to it, or on top of a special treat you concocted for him or her. You might also create intimacy by taking scrabble letters or magnetic letters and spelling out "I love you" or some other message like "You're the Best" and putting it on the refrigerator.

If you send your partner off to work with snacks or lunch pack the lunch and hide the note under the food.

If you're the one making the meal you might use some of the food to spell out a message. If, for instance, you're creating a salad, cheese or hunks of ham could spell out I Love You across the top of the scrumptious salad you place in front of her or him.

Giving a gift just because you feel like it - no special occasion - is how intimacy is created as well. It's especially intimate if it's something she or he has taken a liking to or admired in a store or magazine. The fact that you not only remembered that it appealed to him but took the time to go find it and wrap it up, makes it a very intimate and very romantic gesture.

Here are some practical reasons men can be afraid of intimacy:

-They may have been hurt in the past by a woman they were, or wanted to be intimate with.
-They may not be able to trust a woman, even without being hurt personally.
-They may fear the pain that comes when relationships break up, as most do.
-They may be afraid of the responsibility, particularly the loss of freedom, that comes with intimate relationships.
-In these cases, if you know what you're dealing with, you can make a case that he can trust you, that the prize of a fulfilling relationship is worth the risks of breakup, or that you're mature enough to respect his autonomy and not be clingy.
-The cultural and evolutionary causes are more speculative, but more interesting. We will consider them next.

Intimacy between a man and a woman, a feeling of closeness and belonging together, grows most easily from physical intimacy. There are exceptions. Men and women can become friends. There is a problem though, when men choose a woman for a mate, they choose her because they want her as they know her. A man is likely to want to choose a friend. Women almost never agree, because they "don't want to spoil the friendship." Why is that?

Walking together holding hands through the woods, or along the banks of the river, especially by moonlight or at sunset or sunrise can create so much intimacy. There you are all alone, just the two of you, without a care in the world, and in beautiful surroundings. You might also head out to that lake, or a beautiful flower-strewn field, in the middle of a gorgeous sunny day with a blanket and a picnic basket. This is intimate and romantic, especially if the two of you have taken the day off work to do so.

Rent a romantic movie and watch it alone together, snuggled on the couch, with a little wine and cheese. Not a funny movie, not an adventure flick. Something loving and romantic, with a happy ending.