Sexually Transmitted Infections & Genito-Urinary Medicine Clinics

Some brief information about STIs

What is an STI?
A sexually transmitted infection (STI) is an infection that can be passed from person to person when having sex. You can get an STI by having vaginal sex, anal sex, or oral sex. There are several different types of STI.

What are the main STIs?
The ten most common STIs in the UK are: anogenital warts, chlamydia, genital herpes, gonorrhoea, HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, pubic lice, syphilis, and trichomonas. These are briefly described below.

(Separate leaflets give more details for each of the following infections.)

Anogenital warts are small lumps that develop on the genitals and/or around the anus (back passage). They are sometimes just called genital warts. They are caused by a virus called the human papillomavirus (HPV). However, most people infected with HPV do not develop visible warts. You can be a 'carrier' of the virus without realising it, and you may pass on the virus to others who then develop warts. Treatment options include applying chemicals to the warts or freezing the warts to destroy them.

Chlamydia is caused by a bacterium (germ) called Chlamydia trachomatis. It is the most common STI in the UK. Symptoms include a vaginal discharge in women, and a discharge from the penis in men. You can be infected with chlamydia for months, even years, without realising it as it often causes no symptoms. However, even if you have no symptoms, you can still pass on the infection and complications may develop if it is left untreated (such as pelvic infection and infertility in women). A short course of an antibiotic clears chlamydia in most cases.

Genital herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus. Once you catch this virus it stays with you for life but lies dormant without causing symptoms for most of the time. In fact, many people who are infected with this virus never have symptoms. If symptoms occur, they can range from a mild soreness to many painful blisters on the vulva or penis and surrounding area. A first episode of symptoms can last 2-3 weeks, but may be shorter. Recurrent episodes of symptoms then develop in some cases from time to time, but are usually less severe than the first episode. (It is similar to having 'cold sores' on the genitals from time to time.) Antiviral medication can ease symptoms when they develop.

Gonorrhoea is caused by a bacterium called Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Symptoms include a vaginal discharge in women, and a discharge from the penis in men. Again, some people infected with gonorrhoea do not develop symptoms. However, even if you have no symptoms, you can still pass on the infection and complications may develop if it is left untreated (such as pelvic infection and infertility in women). A short course of an antibiotic clears gonorrhoea in most cases.

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is most commonly passed on by sexual contact. HIV attacks cells of the immune system. Over time (usually several years) the immune system 'weakens' so that you cannot defend your body against various bacteria, viruses and other germs. This is when AIDS develops (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). Many infections and conditions can develop if you have AIDS. Treatment with antiretroviral drugs can reduce the 'viral load' of HIV and allow your immune system to work effectively. However, treatment does not clear the virus from the body. Therefore, if you are infected with HIV you will need monitoring for the rest of your life, and treatment is long-term.

Hepatitis B is a virus that primarily attacks the liver. The virus is mainly passed on by sexual contact, sharing contaminated needles to inject 'street drugs', or from an infected mother to her baby. The hepatitis B virus can cause a short term (acute) infection, which may or may not cause symptoms. Following an acute infection, some people develop a persistent infection called chronic hepatitis B. Many people with chronic hepatitis B remain well, but can still pass on the virus to others (as they are 'carriers'). Some develop serious liver problems. If needed, antiviral medication may prevent or reduce the severity of liver inflammation and liver damage.

Hepatitis C is is a virus that primarily attacks the liver. Most cases occur in people who share needles to inject 'street drugs' that are contaminated with traces of infected blood. There is a small risk that an infected person can pass on the virus whilst having sex. Some people clear the infection naturally. Some people with persistent infection remain free of symptoms, but some have symptoms. After many years of infection some people develop cirrhosis (a severe scarring of the liver), and some develop liver cancer. Treatment is difficult but it can clear the infection in up to half of cases.

Pubic lice (often called 'crabs') are tiny insects about 1-2 mm long (smaller than a match-head). They lay eggs which hatch into lice after seven days. Pubic lice attach strongly to hairs, and do not wash or brush off with normal cleaning. Pubic lice are passed on by close bodily contact, especially when having sex. The main symptom is itch, usually in the pubic hair area. However, you may not have any symptoms, but may still pass on the lice to others. Treatment with a lotion or cream usually clears the lice.

Syphilis is caused by a bacterium called Treponema pallidum. If it is not treated, it can spread in the bloodstream from the genital region to cause various symptoms and problems in different parts of the body over many years. A short course of antibiotics usually clears syphilis infection.

Trichomonas is a protozoan, which is a tiny germ similar to bacteria. It can cause an infection that is not normally serious but symptoms can be unpleasant. Symptoms include a vaginal discharge in women, and a discharge from the penis in men. Some people infected with trichomonas do not have symptoms but can still pass on the infection. A course of antibiotics usually clears trichomonas infection.

There are some other STIs that are uncommon in the UK. For example, donovanosis and chancroid.

Other conditions that are sometimes thought of as STIs
Scabies is a common skin rash that is caused by a mite (a tiny insect). It is usually very itchy. You need close skin-to-skin contact with an infected person to catch scabies. Most cases are probably caught from holding hands with an infected person. The hand is the most common site to be first affected. However, sleeping in the same bed, and sexual contact are other common ways of passing on the mite which is why some people regard scabies as an STI.

Molluscum contagiosum
This is a common skin rash that is caused by a virus. It is passed on by skin-to-skin contact. The rash consists of small lumps which are pearly-white or slightly pink. Each lump ('molluscum') looks like a small wart and is round, firm, and about 1-5 mm across. Sometimes the virus is passed on during the close contact of having sex. So, some people regard molluscum contagiosum as an STI. If it is passed on whilst having sex then the first mollusca to appear tend to be on the skin around the penis or vagina.

However, many cases of molluscum contagiosum are not caused by a sexual contact but by simply touching other affected people. It is a common condition that is seen both in adults and children.