7 Ways to Gain Control of Asthma and Allergies

What do you say when someone asks if your asthma is under control? If asthma sufferers can manage attacks with an inhaler they often feel they have their asthma under control. But it isn't just treating attacks when you have them; having true control over asthma is preventing them from ever occurring.

Many people have both allergies and asthma, although the two do not always show up together. There are specific triggers that cause most people who suffer from asthma to have an attack. There are also symptoms that go along with specific triggers for those with allergies. These triggers, while they can be unavoidable at times, can be reduced as long as they are identified.

There are some things that can be done to stop an allergic reaction or an asthma attack before it occurs.

1. Know the circumstances that surround your asthma attacks by paying attention. They will have something in common, you just have to find it. Determining what causes the attacks by taking note of these things is the first step in avoiding them.

2. Steer clear of everyday triggers like smoke and noxious fumes. These are a frequent cause of an asthma attack, and you need to avoid.

3. When the pollution and pollen levels are high you should stay inside. You are asking for trouble by going out when these are in the air in large amounts.

4. Dust in the home should be gotten rid of. Keep your home as clean as you possibly can and use an air purifier. The use of a regular vacuum cleaner for vacuuming can make things worse though. Use water to clean as much as possible, as often as you can. Dust is kept out of your nose because the water traps it.

5. Pets should be outside. Allergic reactions can be caused in those prone to them by pet hair, feathers, dander and even saliva. The homes of allergy sufferers need to be free of all pets except for maybe fish.

6. Mold should not have a chance to grow. Make sure there are no damp places in the home since mold loves them. Making sure damp areas have plenty of ventilation and running a dehumidifier are ways to do this.

7. Cockroaches should not feel welcome in the home. These pests commonly trigger both allergies and asthma. Getting rid of clutter, food sources and water will eliminate the things they need to thrive in the home and they will have to go elsewhere.

Most allergy and asthma sufferers have a crucial need for medication. Not only can it help to stop symptoms but it can help them to be avoided as well. In order to control these ailments effectively it is important to take control over the environmental triggers as well.

These tips can help you to breathe easier if you have allergies, asthma or both